About Us, San Tan Fireworks LLC

SanTan Fireworks was started by Jason Colt in Avondale, Arizona in 2010 when the Great Governor Jan Brewer signed the Arizona Fireworks House Bill 2246 into law, legalizing the sale of fireworks throughout the state. Cities could not restrict sales; however, they could restrict use or ban them outright.

In December 2010, we started out with 4 locations. By June of 2011, we had 12. When the law had first passed in 2010, Jason noticed that there were errors in the wording of the law that would allow the sale of aerial fireworks, which were meant to be prohibited. In September 2013, Jason decided to exploit those loopholes and was able to get away with it. By doing this in the Fall of 2013, 2 new Bills were drafted, one in the House and one in the Senate, one of them forcing the cities to allow the use of Arizona approved fireworks within city limits.

The Governor signed Senate Bill 1158 into law in April 2014. And for over 10 years now, we’ve been using fireworks in Arizona with relatively no issues. In the 10 years since the legalization, San Tan Fireworks has grown 6 times larger.

We are now the largest importer and wholesaler in the State of Arizona and have anywhere up to 48 to 55 retail locations in Arizona alone. We also have retail locations in Utah and distribute fireworks into numerous other states. For the future, we intend to work towards allowing the usage of aerial fireworks in the State of Arizona, hopefully within the next few years.

I am the owner, Jason Colt, and I was born in Northern California in 1972. I began playing with fireworks at about 4 years old, with parental supervision. As a young kid, we traveled East every summer, and my parents would buy me aerial fireworks that you could not buy in California. At that point a true pyro addiction began in me. By the time I was 12, I was selling fireworks to all the kids in the neighborhood. I would have lines at my door with kids spending their allowance buying fireworks. By the time I was 18, I was bringing in truckloads of fireworks into California from Riverton, Wyoming. I continued to do that every year until 2010, even after moving to Arizona in 1998. At that point it wasn’t trucks, it had grown to big rigs full.

In 2010, Arizona legalized fireworks, and the rest is History. I didn’t get into this business purely for financial gain, I did this because I have loved fireworks ever since I was a little kid. And I have prided myself at having the lowest prices and the largest selection of fireworks in the State. At 8 years old, I said I wanted 100 firework stands, and I am past the halfway mark now.

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Have A Question ? (602) 206-8232.

San Tan Fireworks Arizona’s Largest Selection Of Quality Brand Name Fireworks Since 2010

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